We, members of the Pickaway County Democratic Party in convention assembled, in order to organize and perpetuate a representative, effective, and responsible party organization at all levels in Pickaway County, Ohio, affiliate with and advance the interest of the Democratic Party for the State of Ohio and nationally, sustain and advance the principles of democracy, and uphold human and civil rights and constitutional government, do establish this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Pickaway County Democratic Party.
Section 2. Membership
Membership in this party shall be open to all residents of Pickaway County, in the State of Ohio who support the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and the Constitution, By-Laws and principles of the Pickaway County Democratic Party. No person may be a member or may vote on any motion, resolution, nomination, or election at any caucus, convention, meeting, or conference of the Pickaway County Democratic Party, who does not meet the aforesaid qualification or who is a member of any other political party at that time.
Section 3. Eligibility for Party Office
Any person who meets the membership requirements of Article 1, Section 2, is eligible for election to party office, except as hereinafter limited. There shall be no minimum age requirement for party office save where prescribed by law.
Section 4. Qualifications
In the event that any person’s qualifications as a member of the Pickaway County Democratic Party or eligibility for party office must be determined, the same challenge procedure shall be followed to determine his or her qualifications as provided by the Elections Laws of Ohio.
Section 1.
Nothing herein shall conflict with the Constitution of the United States of America, the Laws of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, the Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Ohio Democratic Party Constitution and By-Laws. Any matter which conflicts with any of the aforesaid shall be of no force and effect. All constitutional provisions and laws of the United States and the State of Ohio are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. Each clause of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be considered separately and the illegality or enforceability of any one clause shall not affect any other clause.
Section 1.
The controlling committee of the Pickaway County Democratic Party shall be the County Central Committee consisting of such membership as shall be elected according to the laws of the State of Ohio. The County Central Committee shall elect a County Executive Committee which shall have such powers as are granted it by the County Central Committee, as are provided by law, and by this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2.
The members-elect of the party’s Central Committee shall meet not earlier than six nor later than fifteen days after the Pickaway County Board of Elections certifies the results of that election, including results of any recounts conducted in a county central committee race, at a suitable place and time in Circleville, Ohio, to be designated by the retiring Chairperson of the Committee. Notice of such meeting, giving the place and time, shall be sent to each member-elect by the retiring Secretary of the Committee by mail and a copy of the notice shall be posted in the Office of the Board of Elections of Pickaway County, at least five days prior to any such meeting. If the retiring Secretary does not issue the call within the time provided by law, such meeting shall be called according to the Statutes of the State of Ohio. The meeting shall be called to order by the retiring Chairperson or Secretary or if there is no such officer or if such officer is absent then as provided by the laws of the State of Ohio. A temporary Chairperson and Secretary shall be chosen and the Committee shall proceed to organize by the election of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and such other officer as the Committee may desire.
Section 3.
The County Central Committee shall then elect themselves to the County Executive Committee.
Section 4.
The County Central Committee shall confer upon the County Executive Committee its power and authority. The County Executive Committee shall be authorized to act for the County Central Committee in all things pertaining to the welfare, business, operation and organization of the County Central Committee and the Pickaway County Democratic Party during the period of its existence which shall continue until the 6th day after the election of the next County Central Committee at the succeeding primary election. Any vacancies which may occur in the County Executive Committee or in the County Central Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the County Central Committee.
Section 5.
The County Executive Committee shall then be called to meet immediately upon its election and shall proceed to elect its Chairperson.
Section 6.
The Chairperson of the County Executive Committee may then, or within 30 days thereafter, recommend to the County Executive Committee an additional number of one less than the elected members, which recommendation said County Executive Committee may or may not approve, on an individual basis, for membership on the County Executive Committee.
Section 7.
The County Executive Committee shall then immediately proceed to elect as many Vice Chairpersons, in order of succession, as it deems necessary, with the First Vice Chairperson being of opposite gender as the Chair, in order of succession, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers the Committee may desire. One-half of the Vice-persons shall be women and one-half men.
Section 8.
Any officer vacancy which may occur between committee organizations may be filled by majority vote.
Section 1.
The duties of the Chairperson of the County Executive Committee shall be those of Chief Executive Officer and he/she shall be subject to the direction of and responsible to the County Executive Committee. The Chairperson may appoint a finance committee and a finance Chairperson, a budget committee and a budget committee Chairperson, an auditing committee and an auditing committee Chairperson, and other personnel as he/she deems necessary, subject to confirmation by the County Executive Committee. He/she may provide for the employment of any office personnel necessary. All of said appointments and employees shall serve subject to the pleasure of the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, except the auditing committee and the auditing committee Chairperson who shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. All committee Chairpersons must be members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2.
The Vice-Chairpersons, in order of succession, shall act as the Chairperson in case of the death, resignation, incapacity, removal, or absence of the Chairperson or his/her predecessor, and shall, in such event, have the powers, duties, and responsibilities as the Chairperson until such time as the County Executive Committee shall properly elect a new Chairperson.
Section 3.
The Secretary shall be in charge of all the official documents of the Executive Committee and of preparation of the necessary notices, minutes, and other documents. The Secretary shall preserve such files and records and open them for examination at convenient and appropriate times at the request of any duly elected member of the County Executive Committee under such rules and regulations as are prescribed by said Executive Committee.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the party and shall render up to date financial reports to each meeting of the County Executive Committee and to each County Convention. The Treasurer shall be accountable for all receipts and expenditures of the party subject to the direction of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer and any other party officer or employee responsible for the handling of party funds shall be under sufficient bond, the amount to be determined by the County Executive Committee and submit to an annual audit.
Section 5.
The Chairperson of the Finance Committee shall preside over said Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for soliciting all contributions and promoting all fund-raising activities for the party.
Section 6.
The Chairperson of the Auditing Committee shall preside over said Committee. The Committee shall be responsible to audit the receipts and expenditures of the party. The Committee shall make an annual audit and such other audits as the Chairperson of the County Executive Committee or any member of the Auditing Committee may request. The Treasurer shall be ineligible for appointment to the Auditing Committee.
Section 7.
The Chairperson of the Budgeting Committee shall preside over said Committee. The Budgeting Committee shall be responsible for the planning of all expenditures of the party.
Section 8.
The Chairperson of the County Executive Committee may establish additional committees, appoint committee chairpersons, and appoint committee members, as necessary.
Section 1.
The Chairperson of the County Executive Committee shall consult with, and cooperate with the various precincts of Ward Committee person and all officers of all Democratic Clubs of the Ohio Democratic Party within their duly chartered areas of jurisdiction.
Section 2.
The Central Committee person of the precincts or wards and the presidents of the various chartered Democratic Clubs shall consult with and cooperate with the County Executive Committee and its Chairperson on all matters relating to the business of the Pickaway County Democratic Party in their respective areas of jurisdiction.
Section 3.
The Chairperson of the County Executive Committee shall meet with the County Central Committee and County Executive Committee at least four times each year at regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 1.
The County Central Committee shall meet after its election as required by law and this Constitution and By-Laws. The County Executive Committee shall meet immediately upon its election by the County Central Committee and at least quarterly thereafter during the period of its existence. The County Executive Committee may be called to meet by its Chairperson or by a minimum of one-eighth of the membership of said Committee.
Section 2.
Notice of any meeting, other than the original meetings of the County Central and Executive Committees or the predetermined scheduled monthly meetings, shall be sent in writing through regular United States Mail, specifying time and place, to all members of the Committee not less than seven (7) days in advance of the meeting unless time does not allow. Then it shall be done by telephone or e-mail not less than three (3) days prior to said meeting. Notice by telephone shall be deemed sufficient if notice was left with the person answering the telephone, notice was left on a member’s voicemail or answering machine, or three attempts were made and the telephone was not answered. Notice by e-mail shall be deemed sufficient if the e-mail was sent to the last known e-mail address on file with the party and it does not return to the sender as undeliverable. Each committee member is responsible for ensuring the Secretary has their current contact information (i.e. residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.).
Section 3.
Minutes shall be taken of all meetings of the County Central Committee and the County Executive Committee.
Section 4.
One third of the membership of said Committee shall constitute a quorum, which must be present for conducting any business at a meeting.
Section 5.
Proxy voting and secret voting are prohibited in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Ohio Democratic Party and standards set forth by the Charter & By-Laws of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.
Section 1.
The finance committee of the Pickaway County Executive Committee shall have the primary responsibility for soliciting all contributions and promoting all fund raising activities for the party.
Section 2.
The Treasurer of the County Executive Committee shall compile at least once a year, the list of all contributions and monies received and such listing shall be made available to all members of the County Executive Committee.
Section 1.
All members of the party, candidates for office, party officers, party committees and organizations, and elected Democratic officials shall support the principles of the Pickaway County Democratic Party.
Section 1.
The provisions for a State Convention of the Ohio Democratic Party, Party Structure – National Guidelines and Party Structure – State Guidelines as adopted in Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the Ohio Democratic Party Constitution and By-Laws adopted in 2007, are incorporated herein and made a part of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Pickaway County Democratic Party.
Section 1.
All officers of the County Central and the County Executive Committees shall be required to take an oath of office to support the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, the Constitution and By-Laws of the Ohio Democratic Party, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Pickaway County Democratic Party.
Section 1.
Any matters regarding the conduct of the affairs of the Pickaway County Central or Executive Committees not governed by this Constitution and By-Laws or by the convention rules or by the laws of the State of Ohio shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 1.
This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by 51% of the members of the Executive Committee of the Pickaway County Democratic Party present at any meeting called for that purpose.
Section 2.
Amendment(s) to this Constitution and By-Laws shall only be considered if proposed in one of two ways: 1) Proposed by a By-Laws Review Committee established by the Chairperson of the County Executive Committee for the purpose of reviewing the existing Constitution and By-Laws to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, compliance with the rules imposed by the national and state Democratic Parties, and to suggest other changes in the best interests of the party; or 2) Proposed by a group of committee members not less than 25% of the current membership who shall present the proposed amendment(s) to the Secretary, in writing, after all have signed their name to the same.
Section 3.
Notice of meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment(s) shall be sent to all committee members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. However, if the entire Executive Committee membership is present at the meeting in which the proposed amendment(s) is/are presented in writing to the Secretary, the notification requirement may be waived if 51% of the membership agree the proposed amendment(s) should be considered immediately.
Section 4.
Provided a quorum is present at a meeting designated as one where the amendment(s) is/are to be considered, the proposed amendment(s) shall be voted upon either individually or as a group. If adopted, the amendment(s) become(s) effective immediately. If a quorum is not present, consideration of the amendment(s) shall take place at the next regularly scheduled meeting. This process shall continue until a quorum is present and a vote is able to take place on the amendment(s) without the requirement of sending out a new notice of meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment(s).
Section 1.
This Constitution and By-Laws supersedes any and all other previous Constitutions and By-Laws of the Pickaway County Democratic Party and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Revised at Circleville, Ohio, this 7th day of July, 2011, by the Pickaway County Democratic Party Executive Committee duly assembled for this purpose.
Revised at Circleville, Ohio, this 5th day of June, 2014, by the Pickaway County Democratic Party Executive Committee per RC3507.14.
Revised at Circleville, Ohio, this 1st day of July, 2014, by the Pickaway County Democratic Party Executive Committee per Ohio Democratic Party corrections.
Karen Bensonhaver
Karen Bensonhaver, Chair